Located centrally yet quietly, the manor house enchants its guests with its historical and modern atmosphere. From the windows of the apartments, one can gaze upon the well-kept garden, where plants and flowers thrive. The historic walls exude a certain tranquility that transfers to the guests, allowing them to immerse themselves in bygone eras. The in-house restaurant also delights guests with regional specialties and exquisite wines. The cozy billiard room invites guests to linger, offering the opportunity to browse through old books or simply relax with a glass of wine. The historical elements of the residence, such as the antique furniture and paintings on the walls, tell stories from the past and add a unique touch to the stay. Thanks to the personal attention of the staff, guests feel at home and can leave the stresses of everyday life behind. The aroma of freshly prepared dishes from the restaurant's kitchen wafts through the halls, stirring anticipation for dinner. In this unique ambiance, a stay at the manor house becomes an unforgettable experience.




Homemade pasta and fresh ingredients guarantee a delicious meal.


Delicious ice cream sundaes, cakes, and other sweet surprises. Prepared fresh daily.


Fruity cocktails and classic long drinks every Friday with club music starting at 8:00 PM.

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